Oo_x MII Oocyte replication x C1_x 1-cell stage embryo replication x C2_x 2-cell stage embryo replication x C4_x 4-cell stage embryo replication x E10.5_x Embryo 10.5d replication x MEF_x MEF replication x PC1_x 1-cell stage Parthenotes replication x PC4_x 4-cell stage Parthenotes replication x Merge includes BAM file of mapped reads *Mappable includes FASTQ files of multiple-hit and unmapped reads ------ The RNA-seq datasets for ESCs & iPSCs (ESC_x, iPSC_x) Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE53212 Carter AC, Davis-Dusenbery BN, Koszka K, Ichida JK et al. PMID: 24527385 Mapping and Quantifying: Tophat-Cufflinks pipeline %>tophat -o ./ -g 1 -p 2 -r 50 --mate-std-dev 20 --no-coverage-search --read-mismatches 3 -G mm9_reference.gtf %>samtools sort accepted_hits.bam accepted_hits.bam.sorted